For those of us with a job we have to find time to do the necessary work to change jobs.  But for those of us “in transition” or out of work, it is much harder to stay motivate and structure our time to make the most of our day.

  1. Get some exercise every day – two or three times a day. Instead of heading straight for the computer, go for a walk, go on the treadmill, or take a quick bike ride.  Exercise gets your blood flowing to your brain, where you need it most!
  2. Eat right – Eat healthy foods.  Don’t overload on carbs, sugary drinks and sweets.
  3. Get a buddy to call every day –check in with someone to let them know what you did yesterday, what your plan is for today. Be accountable and get motivated.
  4. Stay organized – Keep a running To Do List of people to call, emails to write, meetings to take, follow ups to interviews and info meetings. Keep track of your networking contacts, phone calls, meetings on an Excel spreadsheet.
  5. Have some fun – Plan something fun at least once a week – a show, a concert, a ball game, a movie, lunch with friends.

Here is an example of a typical day:

Treat your day as though you are going to work.  Get up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, then take a walk.  Get down to work on the computer. Make your calls between 8 and 9 AM, during lunch or after 5 PM.

Use the mornings to scour LinkedIn for names of companies and people you want to contact. Write your cover letters, send your direct emails.

Lunchtime is meeting time – many busy people will be able to see you during their lunch hour.  Take a walk at lunch time.

Use the afternoons for informational meetings with the people at companies where you would like to work, with people you have been introduced to by your contacts, and for job interviews.