So you are contemplating a job switch, or, you have been laid off and need to start looking. Or, maybe you have been job hunting for a while and it is not going as smoothly as you had anticipated.  Frustrated? Here are some steps along the way that may challenge you..and how a career coach can help.

#1 Don’t know what your next move is?  If you don’t know exactly what your next job title will be, a career coach can assess your skills, strengths and interests to help you figure it out.  How can you best transition your current skill set to a new job function or field?
#2  Don’t have a resume? You know what you want to do BUT you don’t have a resume that adequately showcases your skills and accomplishments.  A career coach can rewrite your resume and cover letter emphasizing skills, key words, and accomplishments.
#3 Resume not getting responses?   You have a resume BUT you are not getting answers or call backs.  You need a coach to help you find other ways to network and get into companies for meetings with hiring managers.
#4 Not getting call-backs? You are gettting interviews, BUT they are not going well or you are not getting call backs.   A career coach can prep you for the typical and diffcult questions.  And, how to answer those “gotcha” questions that may come up during the interview process. The coach can show you how to follow up to influence the hiring manager to get the next interview.
#5 Losing steam? Lacking confidence? You have been job hunting for a while BUT you’re losing steam, lacking movtivation.  A career coach keeps you on track and accountable.   A coach can keep you motivated and keep coming up with suggestions to improve your whole job search.
Remember, a job search is a marathon, not a sprint.  It takes longer than you expect to get the interviews and get the offer.
(c) 2018 Amy Geffen All rights reserved