Are you still stuck? Not getting interviews?
Try some of the following remedies to get unstuck:

  1. If your resume is not getting you interviews  then you need to tailor your resume to each job.  Use keywords and phrases in the job description.
  2. Update your LinkedIn profile or create your own website to highlight your talents, accomplishments, and projects.  Create a portfolio of your work.
  3.  Use your accomplishments stories that show results in your pitch, your cover letter, and in the interview.
  4.  Build out your network – through alumni you find on LinkedIn or former friends and colleagues you have not spoken to in a while. Join a networking group to meet new people. Let them know that you’re looking for the next opportunity.
  5.  Think out of the box to approach your job search – if you have been in corporate, try looking at NGOs, nonprofits and associations.  Try applying for jobs in organizations that share your values.  Apply even if you don’t meet all of the qualifications – usually job descriptions are ideal candidates who don’t exist.

Remember: More people get jobs through networking than any other way.  Don’t spend all your time answering ads online.

(c) 2023 Amy Geffen All rights reserved