As you prepare for your job interviews, you are probably wondering what to say in answer to the typical questions such as, “Why do you want this job?” or “What do you know about this company?” And there are some more difficult questions that you will have to answer such as, “What is your greatest weakness?” and “How did you get along with your boss?” But there are some things you should never say during the interview. Here are 5 of them to consider:

1. I don’t have any weaknesses. – We all have weaknesses, and to say otherwise is disingenuous. Think in advance of a weakness or a skill you lack but that is not specific to the job. Perhaps you are not good at budgeting or writing. Make sure your weakness is something you recognize in yourself that you are working on improving. The point is to show that you are human, and that you have self-knowledge, and that you are doing something to improve.

2) I want your job in 5 years.   When asked the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, the temptation is great to say I want your job or I want to have greater responsibility and manage a team. The fact is the interviewer wants to be reassured that this job is important to you. You will learn as much as you can and contribute to meeting the mission and goals of the organization. Don’t be so arrogant as to assume you will get a promotion in short order. They want you to stay put for a few years after all the time and money they have spent on finding and hiring you.

3) I don’t have any questions. Bad answer. Even if the interviewer has answered most of your questions about the job, roles and responsibilities, and company culture, there must be something you can ask. Perhaps you ask the interview about his or her background or career path up to now, or what they like best about working at this company..

4) I want to work from home or I really need flexible hours to take care of my children.. Don’t try to negotiate your hours or telecommuting until you have been offered the job. Then you are in a better position to negotiate your hours.

5) I did not get along with my boss or my co-workers – Never say anything negative about your former boss, co-workers or the company. You can say you want to change to get more experience, to learn new skills, to learn about a different industry, or because you are passionate about the mission of the organization. When asked about any disagreements with your former supervisor you can say that when you disagreed you explained your point of view and made recommendations but ultimately went along with what the supervisor preferred.

(c) 2021 Amy Geffen All rights reserved