Just checking in to see how your job search is going. Not getting the results you expected? Here are five things you need to STOP doing and 5 things you need to START doing to get unstuck.

1) STOP giving out your business card to everyone you meet. INSTEAD, set up a coffee or a lunch to get to know them better. Start building relationships with people instead of simply collecting cards and building your contact list.

2) STOP wasting your time answering ads on the Internet. INSTEAD, write directly to a hiring manager, a person two levels above you at a company where you would like to work. Not in answer to an ad. Say how you can help them solve their problems and what accomplishments and skills you bring to the table. Ask for the meeting.

3) STOP using job descriptions in your resume. Everyone with the same job has the same job description. INSTEAD focus on your accomplishments with measurable results. Try to quantify your results with numbers, percents, dollars earned, dollars saved, clients satisfied.

4) STOP blaming your age or lack of skills.You can’t change your age but you can improve your chances of being hired. INSTEAD, start upgrading your skills with online courses or certificates at your local community college.

5) STOP complaining about the tough job market and saying woulda, coulda, shoulda. INSTEAD, assess your skills, make a plan, list the companies where you would like to work and start writing, emailing, calling, networking to get the meetings that will lead to the job you want. Do one thing each day that gets you closer to your goal.

(c) 2018 Amy Geffen All rights reserved