Maybe you have a great resume but you are nervous about interviewing. Or, maybe you don’t think you have such a great background but your friends and colleagues think the world of you.  You lack the confidence you need to make a strong positive impression at an interview.   Here are some ways to build your self-confidence for your job search.
1.Make a.list of your top accomplishments and review it every day.  Talk through these stories.

2. Practice telling your stories with a friend or career coach

3. Say affirmations..such as, “Every day in every way I am getting better and better” or, “I am going to ace this interview.”  

4. Visualization – Imagine yourself at the interview doing a great job of impressing the interviewer. Just before you start the interview, whether it is online or in person, visualize yourself answering the questions, smiling, feeling good and confident.

5. Pamper yourself. Yes, you are worth it.  Get your hair and make up done by a professional. When you look good, you feel good about yourself.  Don’t hesitate to spend some money on how you look before going into an online or live interview.    Get your photo taken by a professional to.put on your LinkedIn profile. A professional will make you look and feel great.

6. Ask a few friends and colleagues to tell you three positive things about you – write up the list and look at it every day.

7. Practice Practice Practice. Remember the old adage, How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice Practice Practice.  The same is true for interviews.  The more you practice, the more you will sound relaxed and confident.  Your stories will come out as conversations, not simply memorized parts.
Remember: You want to define your unique value proposition and express it during the interview process. How are you different from the next candidate? How can you help solve the problems of the company?  Practicing your stories will make it easier to ace the interview.

(c) 2021 Amy Geffen All rights reserved