Whether you’re a professional seeking more connections, or a job seeker wanting to get noticed, your LinkedIn profile plays a crucial part in your career search and meeting your objectives

Here are 7 ways to get noticed on LinkedIn.

1) Your photograph says a lot about you – Are you friendly, trustworthy, competent? A professional photograph showing you smiling, wearing a professional outfit and looking directly at the camera inspires confidence and connections. To get online feedback on reactions to your photo, use Photofeeler.com.

2) The heading is not simply your job title. It should include keywords that highlight your skills and all your roles. Use the 220 characters to your best advantage by including past relevant job titles, current skills, and the skills you want to use in your next positions.

3) Unlike your resume, your LinkedIn profile can expand upon your stories that illustrate your accomplishments. In the About section, include two or three stories that represent your best skills. Explain the circumstances, your objective, what action(s) you took, and what were the results.

4) Recommendations are crucial to get noticed. Make sure you get three to four recommendations from people who know your work well and can speak highly of you – former supervisors, colleagues, clients or vendors. Make sure you have at least one from the past year.

5) Build your network – aim for at least 500 connections or more by connecting with alumni from your high school, college or graduate university.  Contact former colleagues to get connected on LinkedIn

6) Join groups specific to your field that are found on LinkedIn. Get involved and become more visible through joining conversations, liking others’ comments, and writing your own comment.

7) Write a blog or article. You can write a short blog, post, or article once a week to keep everyone in your network aware of what you are doing. It adds to your credibility and builds your reputation as a thought leader in your field.

Remember: Your LinkedIn profile distinguishes you from other professionals and job candidates. Make the most of the 220 characters in the Heading and the 2000 characters in the About section to get noticed.

(c) 2021 Amy Geffen All rights reserved.