You need a job.  You know you need a job.  But you just can’t seem to focus and do the things necessary to get one.  You keep finding excuses: It’s summer, or, I need a vaction, or, No one is hiring now.
What to do?Here are 4 things you can do to get back on track:
1. Make a plan – Create a to do list of things you must do such as, write a pitch, create a resume, make a list of your contacts, make a list of companies to contact.

2.  Do one thing every day. A job search can feel overwhelming: so many things to do, so many resources, so many companies. Move forward with small steps  Do at least one thing each day: make a phone call, plan a meeting, create your pitch, meet a contact, attend a networking event.

3. Find a buddy, a group, or a career coach to check in with once a week.  You need to be reminded and held accountable.  There is no better way to keep yourself honest than to check in once a week with someone who can provide a reality check and emotional support.

4.  Track your progress. Use an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of who you meet, when you call them, when you email them, and when you have to contact them again.

Still stuck?  Time to get yourself a career coach!
Remember, a job search is marathon, not a sprint.  Keep working, persevering, staying on course and staying healthy.

(c) 2019 Amy Geffen All rights reserved.